Monday, October 20, 2008

Stock with high dividends

This are high divined yielding stocks

Above is a list of companies where their :
  1. Divined yield is more than 5%
  2. Market capitalization is more than $50 million (relatively larger companies)

This list in my opinion shows company that has a chance of giving out high dividends. Hence they might be thought as better 'fixed deposits' However we must take into consideration that the price of the stock may drop and hence there is risk of losing your capital. Also, this list generated does not take into account the dividend payout that takes into account one off events. ( I.e. a special dividend that does not occur every year)

Dividend Yield (%)

The amount of dividends declared divided by a stock's current market price.

Some companies may opt not to pay dividends, preferring instead to reward investors through stock appreciation that results from plowing all earnings back into the company.

* Credits given to Phillip securities stock research tools.

* The data shown is not an advice to buy/sell the stocks. Always remember to consult your financial adviser before parting with your money.

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